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Advertising Tips and guidelines for advertisers

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Advertising Guides

To create a campaign on Adstoo, follow these steps:

Step 1: Campaign Settings

  1. Log in to your Adstoo account and click on “Create Campaign.”
  2. Name your campaign.
  3. Specify the ad type (choose from Banner, Redirect Link, Pop-Under, Custom Search).
  4. For this explanation, we’ll focus on the Banner Ad type.Scheduling:
    • Choose your time zone.
    • Specify start and end dates for the campaign.


    • Select targeting options based on your campaign goals.

    GEO Targeting:

    • Choose from a list of 240 countries.


    • Set up language according to ad creatives and landing page.


    • Consider creating separate campaigns for each device for more precise bid control.

    Operating Systems:

    • Target by operating system and versions for granular control, essential for promoting mobile apps.


    • Target by browser for products specific to certain browsers.


    • Choose a section that suits your ad or make it public for more traffic.

    Pixel Collection:

    • Use this tool to target visitors who visited a landing page but left without converting.

Step 2: Audience and Pricing

Price Model:

  • Choose between CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPM (Cost Per Mille/Thousand Impressions).Explanation:
    • CPC: Pay for each click on your ad.
    • CPM: Pay for every thousand impressions, ideal for maximizing brand exposure.

Price Type:

  • Choose between Manual CPC and Smart CPC.Explanation:
    • Manual CPC: Set your own CPC bid.
    • Smart CPC: Adstoo system determines the cost dynamically based on chosen options (Dynamic Pricing, ASAP, Normal, or Cost-effective).

Frequency Capping:

  • Choose between Selective Frequency and Smart Frequency
  • .Explanation:
    • Selective Frequency: Manually set how often your ad is shown to a visitor.
    • Smart Frequency: Adstoo system dynamically adjusts ad exposure based on user behavior.

These steps offer flexibility and control over your campaign settings, allowing you to tailor your approach based on your objectives and budgetary preferences.

Read the full article : How to Set Up Your Adstoo Campaign

The minimum testing budget is $10; however, we recommend allocating more than $100 to achieve high competitiveness in traffic acquisition

Ads Policies

At Adstoo, we prioritize user safety and a positive experience. To maintain a secure environment, we strictly adhere to our Advertising Guidelines. Please review our comprehensive guidelines here.

In our commitment to user protection, we explicitly prohibit the following:

  1. Potential Scam: Any advertisements resembling or involving deceptive practices intending to defraud users.
  2. Threats: Advertisements containing explicit threats or harmful language.
  3. Scareware: Ads designed to create fear or panic among users, often misleading them into taking unnecessary actions.
  4. JS Alert: Any advertisements triggering JavaScript alerts that could disrupt the user experience.
  5. Auto Download: Ads that automatically initiate file downloads without user consent.
  6. Aggressive Banners: Advertisements with overly intrusive or disruptive banner formats.
  7. Malware: This includes viruses, trojans, and exploit kits aimed at compromising user security.

By upholding these standards on the Adstoo platform, we ensure a secure and positive advertising environment, fostering trust and credibility for both advertisers and users.

Usually, campaigns are automatically reviewed within minutes through the automated system. However, some campaigns may require additional time for review, depending on factors such as campaign size, ad content, and compliance checks with advertising policies.

If you find that the review is taking longer in some cases, there may be a possibility of additional inquiry or manual inspection to ensure the campaign aligns with the platform’s policies. It is recommended to check directly with the customer support of the advertising platform for further clarification on any delays in the review process.

If there are modifications to the campaign URL or alterations in targeting parameters or pricing strategy, those changes will require re-approval from Adstoo’s compliance team. It’s important to note that any adjustments impacting crucial elements like the campaign link or targeting criteria necessitate a fresh review to ensure adherence to Adstoo’s policies and standards.

This ensures that any updates made to the campaign align with the platform’s guidelines, maintaining the integrity of the advertising ecosystem on Adstoo. If you have specific inquiries about campaign changes and re-approvals, reaching out to Adstoo’s support can provide further clarification.

To determine the reason for rejection, you can review your campaign settings or check your email inbox for rejection notifications.

The most common reasons for campaign rejection on Adstoo include:

  1. Broken Image:
    • Issues with image format, size, or the image not displaying correctly on the platform.
  2. Broken Website:
    • The website specified cannot be accessed according to the set targeting parameters.
  3. Fake Virus Alert:
    • The creative or landing page contains a false virus alert, which is not permitted.
  4. Virus or Malware:
    • The website contains prohibited content, such as viruses or malware.
  5. iFrame Banner Behavior:
    • iFrame banner opens in the same window instead of a new window as required.
  6. Inappropriate Content:
    • The website contains inappropriate content, including drugs, illegal activities, violence, incest, bestiality, or images of underage persons.
  7. Auto Download or Audio Playback:
    • The presence of auto-download content or automatic audio playback on Popunder ads.
  8. Code Initiating Calls, Messages, or Subscriptions:
    • The website includes code that automatically initiates calls, messages, or subscriptions.
  9. Intellectual Property Infringement:
    • Violation of intellectual property rights.
  10. Mismatch between Ad Creative and Landing Page:
    • The ad creative does not align with the content of the landing page.
  11. Traffic Redirection:
    • Traffic redirection is discouraged; it’s advised to direct traffic straight to the offer.

Understanding these reasons helps maintain a quality advertising environment on Adstoo. If you have specific queries about the rejection or need further clarification, you can check the rejection details in your campaign settings or contact Adstoo’s support team.

Campaign Settings

  1. Pixel Placement:
    • Advertisers place a unique pixel code on specific pages of their website. This pixel tracks users’ interactions and actions on those pages.
  2. User Interaction Tracking:
    • As users visit the website and interact with the content, the pixel records their activities, such as product views, clicks, or form submissions.
  3. Building Custom Audiences:
    • Advertisers use the collected data to create custom audiences based on user behavior. For example, an audience might include users who viewed a particular product but did not make a purchase.
  4. Targeted Ad Display:
    • Advertisers create retargeting campaigns on platforms like Adstoo and define specific ads for the custom audiences. When users from the custom audience visit other sites or social media, they see these targeted ads.

Benefits of Retargeting:

  1. Increased Conversions:
    • By targeting users who have already shown interest, retargeting increases the likelihood of conversions and sales.
  2. Brand Recall:
    • It reinforces brand awareness and keeps the brand in the user’s mind, encouraging them to return and complete desired actions.
  3. Personalized Advertising:
    • Retargeted ads can be highly personalized based on users’ previous interactions, offering a more relevant and engaging experience.
  4. Better ROI:

Adstoo provides a range of precise targeting options to optimize the reach and effectiveness of your campaigns.

  1. Location (Countries and Regions):
    • Define your target audience by specifying countries and regions. This allows you to tailor your campaign to the geographic locations most relevant to your objectives.
  2. Language:
    • Target users based on their language preferences. This ensures that your message resonates with the linguistic diversity of your audience.
  3. Device (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet):
    • Select the devices you want your ads to appear on, whether it’s desktops, mobile phones, or tablets. This ensures a tailored user experience based on the device they are using.
  4. Device Brand, Release Date, and Model Price:
    • Fine-tune your targeting by specifying device details such as brand, release date, and model price. This allows you to reach users with specific device preferences or budget considerations.
  5. Operating System:
    • Target users based on their operating system, whether it’s Windows, macOS, Android, or iOS. This level of specificity ensures that your ads are compatible with the users’ devices.
  6. Browser:
    • Choose to display your ads on specific browsers, enabling you to optimize the user experience for different browser environments.
  7. Category:
    • Refine your targeting further by selecting specific categories relevant to your campaign. This allows you to align your ads with users interested in specific topics or industries.

These comprehensive targeting options on Adstoo empower advertisers to reach their desired audience with precision, enhancing the relevance and impact of their campaigns. By utilizing these features, you can tailor your advertising strategy to align with the unique characteristics and preferences of your target audience on the Adstoo platform.

Pricing Models Supported by Adstoo:

Adstoo offers flexible pricing models to cater to different advertising objectives and preferences.

  1. CPC (Cost Per Click) for Banners and CPM:
    • With Adstoo, advertisers can choose the CPC pricing model for banners, where they pay for each click received. Additionally, the CPM model is available, allowing advertisers to pay per thousand impressions, providing flexibility based on campaign goals.
  2. Redirect Link – CPM:
    • For Redirect Link campaigns, Adstoo supports the CPM pricing model. Advertisers are billed based on the number of impressions their redirect link receives, offering a transparent and measurable cost structure.
  3. Pop-Under – CPM:
    • Pop-Under campaigns on Adstoo operate on the CPM pricing model. Advertisers are charged per thousand impressions for their pop-under ads, providing a straightforward approach to campaign costing.
  4. Custom Search – CPC:
    • Adstoo supports the CPC pricing model for Custom Search campaigns. Advertisers pay for each click generated through custom search ads, aligning costs with actual user engagement.

These pricing models on Adstoo empower advertisers to choose the most suitable option based on their campaign goals, whether it’s optimizing for clicks, impressions, or specific interactions. The platform’s flexibility in pricing ensures that advertisers have the tools to align their budgeting strategy with the desired outcomes of their advertising campaigns.

Frequency refers to how often an ad is displayed to a user within a specific time frame, typically 24 hours. Adstoo provides advertisers with flexible frequency options to manage the number of times a user sees their ad, optimizing both visibility and user experience.

  1. Selective Frequency:
    • With Selective Frequency, advertisers have manual control over how frequently their ad is shown to individual users. This allows for a customized approach, enabling advertisers to set specific limits on ad exposure for a more personalized user journey.
  2. Smart Frequency:
    • Adstoo’s Smart Frequency option leverages advanced algorithms to dynamically adjust ad exposure based on user behavior and campaign performance. This intelligent approach helps prevent ad fatigue, ensuring optimal engagement without overwhelming users.

Understanding and utilizing these frequency options is crucial for advertisers to strike the right balance between achieving visibility and maintaining a positive user experience. It empowers advertisers on Adstoo to manage ad frequency effectively, maximizing the impact of their campaigns while respecting user preferences.

Advertising Bidding in Adstoo – Comprehensive Explanation:

Advertising bidding in Adstoo involves a competitive auction system where advertisers compete to display their ads by placing bids. The process is designed to ensure fair competition and optimal ad placement based on various factors. Here’s a detailed explanation of how the bidding works:

  1. Auction System:
    • Adstoo operates on an auction-based system. When an ad space becomes available on the platform, an auction is triggered for that space.
  2. Bid Submission:
    • Advertisers interested in displaying their ads submit bids for the available ad space. Bids represent the maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a specific action, such as a click or a thousand impressions (CPM).
  3. Bid Amount and Ad Quality:
    • The bid amount is a critical factor, but it’s not the sole determinant. Ad quality and relevance also play a significant role. Advertisers with high-quality, engaging ads may have a competitive advantage, even if their bid is not the highest.
  4. Ad Rank Calculation:
    • Adstoo calculates an ad rank for each participating ad, considering the bid amount and ad quality. Ad rank determines the ad’s position and visibility on the platform.
  5. Ad Placement:
    • Ads are then placed on the platform based on their ad rank. Higher-ranked ads secure more prominent placements, such as appearing at the top of a page or receiving more visibility.
  6. Cost to Advertiser:
    • Advertisers are charged based on the bidding model they’ve chosen, whether it’s CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPM (Cost Per Mille/Thousand Impressions). The winning advertiser pays their bid amount or the amount required to secure the ad space, depending on the bidding model.
  7. Real-Time Adjustments:
    • The auction process happens in real-time, allowing for dynamic adjustments based on changing market conditions, user behavior, and ad performance.

Understanding the advertising bidding process in Adstoo empowers advertisers to strategically set bids, optimize ad quality, and compete effectively for ad placements, ultimately achieving their campaign objectives in a cost-effective manner.

Understanding CPM (Cost Per Mille) in Adstoo:

CPM, or Cost Per Mille, is a pricing model used in online advertising, including the Adstoo platform. It represents the cost an advertiser pays for one thousand impressions of their ad. Here’s a detailed explanation of CPM:

  1. Definition:
    • CPM stands for “Cost Per Mille,” with “mille” being the Latin word for one thousand. In the advertising context, it refers to the cost incurred by an advertiser for every one thousand ad impressions.
  2. Calculation:
    • The CPM is calculated by dividing the total cost of the ad campaign by the number of impressions (in thousands). The formula is: CPM = (Cost of Campaign / Number of Impressions) * 1000.
  3. Unit of Measurement:
    • CPM is expressed in terms of cost per thousand impressions. For example, if an advertiser pays $2 CPM, it means they are paying $2 for every one thousand times their ad is displayed.
  4. Pricing Model:
    • CPM is a bidding and pricing model where advertisers bid on the cost they are willing to pay for one thousand impressions. Adstoo allows advertisers to choose CPM as a pricing model, offering flexibility in budgeting and campaign optimization.
  5. Campaign Goals:
    • CPM is suitable for campaigns focused on brand visibility and exposure, as advertisers pay for the number of times their ad is seen rather than user interactions.
  6. Effective Cost Control:
    • Advertisers using the CPM model have effective cost control, knowing the cost per thousand impressions upfront. This model is particularly beneficial for campaigns aimed at building brand awareness and reaching a broad audience.

In Adstoo, advertisers can leverage the CPM pricing model to manage their budget efficiently while optimizing for maximum ad exposure. It provides a transparent and predictable cost structure for advertisers aiming to maximize their brand’s visibility across the platform.

Understanding CPC (Cost Per Click) in Adstoo:

CPC, or Cost Per Click, is a fundamental pricing model in online advertising, including the Adstoo platform. It represents the cost an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on their ad. Here’s a detailed explanation of CPC:

  1. Definition:
    • CPC stands for “Cost Per Click.” In this pricing model, advertisers pay a fee for each click on their ad. It’s a performance-based model where the advertiser is charged only when a user engages with the ad by clicking on it.
  2. Calculation:
    • The CPC is calculated by dividing the total cost of the ad campaign by the number of clicks received. The formula is: CPC = Total Cost / Number of Clicks.
  3. Unit of Measurement:
    • CPC is expressed as the cost an advertiser pays for a single click on their ad. For example, if an advertiser pays $0.50 CPC, it means they are paying $0.50 for each click generated by their ad.
  4. Pricing Model:
    • Adstoo allows advertisers to choose CPC as a pricing model, providing flexibility in budgeting and allowing advertisers to pay based on the actual engagement their ads receive.
  5. Campaign Goals:
    • CPC is suitable for campaigns focused on driving specific user actions, such as website visits, sign-ups, or product purchases. Advertisers pay only when users actively interact with their ad.
  6. Control and Optimization:
    • Advertisers using the CPC model have control over their budget, as they pay for actual clicks. This model allows for effective cost control and optimization based on the performance of the ad.

In Adstoo, advertisers leveraging the CPC pricing model can align their budget with their campaign goals, ensuring that they pay for tangible user engagement. This model is ideal for advertisers seeking direct responses and actions from their target audience.

Ad Formats

  1. Banner Ads:

    • Banner ads are visually
    • Video Ads:
    • GIF Ads:
    • HTML Ads:
  2. Redirect Link Ads:
  3. Pop-Under Ads:
  4. Custom Search Ads:
  1. Multimedia Capabilities:
    • HTML5 banners support multimedia elements, including videos, music, and animations. What sets them apart is that these features can be played without requiring additional plug-ins, providing a smoother and more user-friendly experience.
  2. High-Quality Graphics:
    • HTML5 banners enable the use of high-quality images and clear graphics, enhancing the visual appeal of the ad and allowing advertisers to showcase their brand in the best possible light.
  3. Incorporation of Images and Videos:
    • Advertisers can seamlessly integrate both images and videos within HTML5 banners, allowing for a dynamic and engaging presentation of content.
  4. Compact File Size:
    • Compared to GIF formats, HTML5 banners typically have a smaller file size. This compactness contributes to faster loading times, improving the overall performance of the ad.
  5. Weight Efficiency:
    • Due to its reduced file size, HTML5 banners can accommodate more information and creative elements while maintaining a lightweight structure. This efficiency allows for more compelling content without sacrificing performance.
  6. Easy Updates:
    • HTML5 banners can be easily updated, providing advertisers with the flexibility to make real-time changes to their campaigns. This ease of updating ensures that ad content remains current and relevant.

In summary, HTML5 banners on platforms like Adstoo offer a versatile and efficient solution for advertisers, combining compatibility, multimedia richness, and the ability to create visually captivating campaigns that resonate with a diverse audience.


Pop-Under ads are a specific type of online advertising format that appears in a new browser window beneath the currently active window, providing advertisers with an effective way to capture user attention. Here’s a comprehensive explanation of Pop-Under Ads with a focus on Adstoo:

  1. Definition:
    • Pop-Under ads are designed to open in a new browser window, usually hidden behind the main window. They become visible when the user closes or minimizes the current window, creating a non-intrusive but attention-grabbing ad experience.
  2. Non-Intrusive Nature:
    • Pop-Under ads are considered non-intrusive because they do not disrupt the user’s current browsing experience. Instead, they are revealed when the user takes an action that leads to the opening of a new browser window.
  3. Capturing Attention:
    • Advertisers leverage Pop-Under ads to capture the user’s attention when they are likely to be more receptive, such as after completing a task or navigating away from a page.
  4. Adstoo Implementation:
    • Adstoo incorporates Pop-Under ads as part of its advertising formats, allowing advertisers to utilize this format for specific campaign objectives. Advertisers can strategically deploy Pop-Under ads to increase visibility and engagement.
  5. Targeting Options:
    • Advertisers on Adstoo can leverage targeting options such as location, language, device type, and other parameters to ensure that Pop-Under ads are delivered to a relevant audience.
  6. User Engagement:
    • Pop-Under ads aim to engage users by presenting them with relevant content, offers, or calls to action. This engagement occurs in a less intrusive manner compared to traditional pop-up ads.
  7. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Adstoo provides advertisers with analytics and reporting features for Pop-Under ads. This includes metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions, allowing advertisers to assess the performance and effectiveness of their campaigns.
  8. Campaign Optimization:
    • Advertisers can optimize Pop-Under ad campaigns on Adstoo based on performance data. This optimization process ensures that the ads are delivering the desired results and meeting campaign goals.

Pop-Under ads on Adstoo offer advertisers a strategic and less disruptive way to engage with their target audience, presenting opportunities for increased visibility and user interaction. The non-intrusive nature of Pop-Under ads contributes to a positive user experience while achieving advertising objectives.

Custom Search Ads Explanation with Adstoo:

Custom Search Ads on Adstoo represent an innovative advertising format that seamlessly integrates with search results, providing advertisers with a powerful way to connect with their target audience based on their interests and search queries. Here’s a comprehensive explanation of Custom Search Ads with a focus on Adstoo:

  1. Definition:
    • Custom Search Ads are a form of banner advertising that displays suggested search results tailored to the visitor’s article and interests. This format allows advertisers to promote their content using keywords to attract highly targeted traffic.
  2. Integration with Search Results:
    • Custom Search Ads are seamlessly integrated into the search results, appearing as banners that showcase relevant content based on the user’s search query and the content they are currently viewing.
  3. Advertiser’s Advantage on Adstoo:
    • Adstoo offers advertisers the opportunity to leverage Custom Search Ads as part of their advertising strategy. Advertisers can strategically choose keywords related to their products, services, or content to attract a highly targeted audience.
  4. Keyword Targeting:
    • Advertisers have the ability to target specific keywords relevant to their offerings. This keyword targeting ensures that the Custom Search Ads are displayed to users who are actively searching for content related to the advertiser’s business.
  5. 100% Targeted Traffic:
    • Custom Search Ads enable advertisers to attract 100% targeted traffic by aligning their ads with the specific interests and search behaviors of users. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of user engagement and conversion.
  6. Strategic Campaign Planning:
    • Advertisers can strategically plan their campaigns by selecting keywords that resonate with their target audience. This planning ensures that the Custom Search Ads are displayed in contexts where users are most likely to find them relevant.
  7. Enhanced Visibility and Engagement:
    • By being part of the search results, Custom Search Ads enjoy enhanced visibility and engagement. Users are more likely to interact with these ads as they align with their immediate search interests.
  8. Analytics and Performance Tracking:
    • Adstoo provides advertisers with analytics and performance tracking for Custom Search Ads. This includes metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions, allowing advertisers to measure the success of their campaigns.

Custom Search Ads on Adstoo offer advertisers a targeted and strategic way to reach their audience, leveraging the power of search behavior and user interests to enhance visibility and engagement. The integration of relevant content within search results makes this advertising format a valuable tool for advertisers looking to connect with users actively seeking specific information.

General Questions

Adstoo operates on a dynamic pricing model, which means that fixed rates are not offered. Here’s a comprehensive explanation of dynamic pricing on Adstoo:

  1. Definition of Dynamic Pricing:
    • Dynamic pricing refers to a flexible and adaptive approach where the cost of advertising is determined based on various factors such as demand, ad placement, audience targeting, and campaign objectives.
  2. Adaptive and Responsive Rates:
    • Adstoo’s dynamic pricing model allows for adaptive and responsive rates that can adjust based on real-time market conditions, ensuring that advertisers receive fair and competitive pricing.
  3. Real-Time Adjustments:
    • The pricing on Adstoo is subject to real-time adjustments, reflecting the current demand for ad space, the relevance of the audience, and other factors that influence the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.
  4. Factors Influencing Pricing:
    • Several factors influence the dynamic pricing on Adstoo, including the chosen ad format, targeting options, geographic location, audience characteristics, and the overall advertising landscape.
  5. Fair Market Value:
    • Advertisers benefit from a fair market value for their ad placements, as the dynamic pricing model takes into account the current competitiveness of the advertising space and the value it brings to the advertiser.
  6. Customized Campaign Budgets:
    • Advertisers can customize their campaign budgets based on their specific goals and objectives. The dynamic pricing system ensures that advertisers have the flexibility to allocate their budgets effectively.
  7. Transparent Pricing Structure:
    • Adstoo maintains transparency in its pricing structure, providing advertisers with visibility into the factors influencing the cost of advertising. This transparency allows advertisers to make informed decisions about their campaigns.
  8. Optimized Cost-Effectiveness:
    • The dynamic pricing model on Adstoo aims to optimize cost-effectiveness for advertisers, ensuring that they receive value for their investment by reaching a relevant and engaged audience.

By embracing dynamic pricing, Adstoo offers advertisers a flexible and responsive approach to advertising costs, aligning with the ever-changing dynamics of the digital advertising landscape. This model empowers advertisers to optimize their spending while maximizing the impact of their campaigns.

If your campaign is not receiving the expected traffic, it is often attributed to the bidding strategy, specifically if the advertiser has set a low bid in the advertising auction. Here’s a detailed explanation, with a focus on Adstoo:

  1. Bidding Strategy Importance:
    • The bidding strategy plays a crucial role in the success of an advertising campaign. Advertisers need to set competitive bids to ensure their ads are eligible for placement and receive the desired level of visibility.
  2. Adstoo’s Advertising Auction:
    • Adstoo operates on an advertising auction system, where advertisers bid for ad space. The bid amount determines the position and frequency of ad displays. A low bid may result in limited visibility and reduced chances of winning placements.
  3. Competitive Bidding Environment:
    • Adstoo’s platform fosters a competitive bidding environment where advertisers compete for the attention of the target audience. Advertisers should be aware of the market dynamics and adjust their bids accordingly to stay competitive.
  4. Low Bid Impact on Ad Visibility:
    • If an advertiser sets a low bid, their ads may not be displayed as frequently or prominently as those from competitors with higher bids. This can lead to reduced exposure and lower traffic generation.
  5. Adjusting Bid Strategy:
    • To address the issue of low traffic, advertisers on Adstoo should consider adjusting their bid strategy. This involves reassessing the competitiveness of their bid amounts and increasing them to align with the market and campaign goals.
  6. Keyword Relevance and Quality:
    • In addition to bidding, the relevance of keywords and the overall quality of the ad also impact traffic. Advertisers should ensure that their chosen keywords align with the campaign’s objectives, and the ad content is engaging and relevant.
  7. Budget Allocation:
    • Advertisers should also review their budget allocation to ensure they have sufficient funds to support competitive bids. A well-allocated budget allows for more opportunities to win ad placements and generate traffic.
  8. Ad Performance Monitoring:
    • Regularly monitor the performance of ads on Adstoo, analyze key metrics, and adjust bidding strategies based on the insights gained. This iterative approach helps advertisers optimize their campaigns for better results.

By understanding the importance of competitive bidding and adapting strategies accordingly, advertisers on Adstoo can enhance the visibility and performance of their campaigns, ultimately leading to increased traffic and better campaign outcomes.

    • Adstoo provides advertisers with geo-targeting settings, allowing them to specify the countries or regions where they want their ads to be displayed. However, discrepancies may occur due to factors beyond Adstoo’s control.
  1. Ad Network Distribution:
    • Ad networks may have a broad distribution network that extends across various countries. While advertisers can set geo-targeting preferences, the distribution network’s reach may result in ad impressions in unintended locations.
  2. User Behavior and VPNs:
    • Users might use virtual private networks (VPNs) or other tools to mask their actual location. This can lead to instances where users appear to be accessing the internet from a different country, contributing to the traffic from non-targeted regions.
  3. Dynamic IP Assignments:
    • Internet service providers may dynamically assign IP addresses to users, leading to occasional mismatches between the user’s actual location and the targeted region. This dynamic IP assignment can contribute to traffic from unexpected countries.
  4. Global Audience Interest:
    • Ad content that resonates with a global audience may attract engagement from users in various countries, even if the initial targeting is focused on specific regions. The universal appeal of certain content can lead to broader exposure.
  5. Campaign Settings Review:
    • Advertisers should review their campaign settings on Adstoo to ensure that geo-targeting preferences are accurately configured. Regularly checking and updating these settings can help minimize the occurrence of traffic from non-targeted countries.
  6. Ad Network Optimization:
    • Adstoo continually optimizes its ad network for performance and relevance. However, occasional variations in distribution may occur. Advertisers can work with Adstoo’s support or optimization teams to fine-tune their campaigns for better geo-targeting accuracy.
  7. Monitoring and Adjustments:
    • Advertisers should actively monitor campaign performance, analyze geographical data, and make adjustments as needed. This iterative approach allows for ongoing optimization and better alignment with the intended audience.

If you are experiencing differences in the statistics of your advertising campaign on Adstoo, several factors may contribute to these variations. Here’s a detailed explanation:

  1. Data Processing and Reporting Lag:
    • Adstoo, like many advertising platforms, may experience a slight lag in data processing and reporting. The statistics presented in real-time may not perfectly align with the final, processed data. Advertisers should consider this natural delay when assessing campaign performance.
  2. Attribution Models and Conversion Tracking:
    • Different attribution models and conversion tracking methodologies may lead to variations in reported stats. Adstoo employs specific attribution models for tracking conversions, and discrepancies may arise if advertisers are using third-party tracking tools with different attribution settings.
  3. Ad Network Optimization and Filtering:
    • Adstoo continually optimizes its ad network to improve relevance and performance. As a result, certain data, such as impressions or clicks, may undergo filtering or adjustment processes to enhance overall campaign quality. These optimizations can lead to variations in reported statistics.
  4. Ad Fraud Prevention Measures:
    • Adstoo implements measures to prevent ad fraud, ensuring the integrity of its advertising ecosystem. While these measures are essential, they may impact certain statistics. Filtering out fraudulent or invalid clicks, for example, can result in differences between raw and filtered statistics.
  5. Cross-Device and Cross-Browser Tracking:
    • Differences in user behavior across various devices and browsers can contribute to variations in reported statistics. Adstoo employs tracking mechanisms that aim to account for cross-device interactions, but disparities may still occur.
  6. User Interaction Patterns:
    • Variances in user interaction patterns, such as ad engagement or click-through rates, may be influenced by factors beyond Adstoo’s control. User behavior can be affected by external events, seasonal trends, or changes in market dynamics.
  7. Campaign Settings and Targeting:
    • Advertisers should review their campaign settings and targeting criteria on Adstoo. Variations in statistics may arise if there are adjustments to targeting parameters, ad creative elements, or other campaign settings.
  8. Support and Clarification:
    • If significant discrepancies persist, advertisers are encouraged to reach out to Adstoo’s support or analytics teams for clarification. The support team can provide insights into specific factors influencing the reported statistics and address any concerns.

In summary, differences in campaign statistics on Adstoo can stem from a combination of data processing timelines, attribution models, optimization measures, and user behavior. Advertisers are advised to consider these factors and, if needed, seek clarification from Adstoo’s support to ensure a comprehensive understanding of their campaign performance.

If you are facing challenges with low traffic in your Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaign on Adstoo, there are several strategies you can consider to address the issue. Here’s a detailed explanation with specific actions, focusing on Adstoo:

  1. Use Other Creatives:
    • Explanation: The creatives you use in your campaign play a significant role in attracting attention and engagement. If your current creatives are not generating sufficient traffic, consider diversifying your ad content with new visuals, compelling copy, or different calls-to-action.
    • Adstoo Recommendation: Experiment with various creative elements to identify what resonates best with your target audience. Adstoo provides the flexibility to upload and test different ad creatives within your campaign.
  2. Change Targeting Parameters:
    • Explanation: Reassessing your targeting parameters can help broaden or refine your audience, potentially increasing the reach of your campaign. Adjusting geographic targeting, language preferences, or device specifications may positively impact traffic.
    • Adstoo Recommendation: Navigate to your campaign settings on Adstoo and review the targeting criteria. Make adjustments based on your campaign goals and the characteristics of your desired audience.
  3. Increase CPC Bid:
    • Explanation: A low CPC bid may limit the competitiveness of your campaign in the Adstoo auction system. By increasing your CPC bid, you enhance your chances of winning ad placements and increasing visibility.
    • Adstoo Recommendation: Go to your campaign settings and adjust the CPC bid to a more competitive level. Keep in mind the bidding landscape and the potential value of your campaign to ensure a balanced bid strategy.

Key Tips for Optimization:

  • Regularly monitor the performance metrics of your CPC campaign on Adstoo.
  • Conduct A/B testing with different creatives and targeting options to identify the most effective combinations.
  • Analyze the relevance of your chosen keywords and adjust them if needed for better targeting.

Important Note: If after implementing these strategies you still encounter challenges, consider reaching out to Adstoo’s support team. They can provide insights into specific campaign dynamics, offer optimization suggestions, and address any platform-related issues that may be affecting your campaign’s performance.

By actively testing and optimizing your CPC campaign on Adstoo, you can enhance its effectiveness, increase traffic, and achieve better results in reaching your advertising goals.

In the event that you receive invalid traffic on Adstoo, the platform has mechanisms in place to address and manage such instances. Here’s a detailed explanation with a focus on Adstoo:

  1. Detection of Invalid Traffic:
    • Explanation: Adstoo employs advanced algorithms and systems to detect and filter out invalid traffic, including clicks or visits categorized as spam. This proactive approach helps maintain the integrity of the advertising ecosystem on the platform.
    • Adstoo Process: The Adstoo system identifies and categorizes invalid clicks, ensuring that advertisers are protected from potentially fraudulent or non-genuine interactions.
  2. Refund Process for Advertisers:
    • Explanation: When invalid clicks or visits are identified, Adstoo initiates a refund process to ensure that advertisers are not charged for interactions that fall into the category of invalid traffic. The refund process is designed to provide transparency and fairness to advertisers.
    • Adstoo Process: Advertisers can view operations related to refunding on their control panel. This visibility allows advertisers to track and understand the refund process in response to clicks or visits deemed invalid.
  3. Control Panel Transparency:
    • Explanation: Advertisers have access to a control panel where they can monitor and manage various aspects of their campaigns. In the case of invalid traffic, this control panel provides transparency into the actions taken, including any refunds or adjustments made to the advertiser’s account.
    • Adstoo Feature: Adstoo’s control panel serves as a centralized hub for advertisers to review campaign performance, financial transactions, and any actions related to invalid traffic.
  4. Ad Fraud Prevention Measures:
    • Explanation: Adstoo is committed to maintaining a secure and trustworthy advertising environment. In addition to refunding for invalid traffic, the platform implements ongoing measures to prevent ad fraud, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the overall ad network.
    • Adstoo Process: Continuous optimization and updates to the ad network are part of Adstoo’s strategy to combat ad fraud and provide advertisers with a reliable and secure platform for their campaigns.

Key Tips for Advertisers:

  • Regularly monitor your control panel on Adstoo for insights into campaign performance and any refund-related operations.
  • Collaborate with Adstoo’s support team if you have specific concerns or questions about invalid traffic.

By addressing invalid traffic promptly and providing visibility into the refund process, Adstoo aims to foster a trustworthy and transparent advertising ecosystem for its advertisers. Advertisers can leverage these features to optimize their campaigns and make informed decisions based on accurate performance metrics.


The minimum deposit requirement on Adstoo is $50. This means that advertisers are required to deposit a minimum of $50 into their Adstoo account to fund their advertising campaigns on the platform. This deposit serves as the initial budget from which campaign costs, such as CPC (Cost-Per-Click) bids, will be deducted.

Key Points:

  1. Initial Funding: Advertisers need to deposit at least $50 to start running campaigns on Adstoo.
  2. Campaign Budget: The deposited amount is used as the campaign budget, and costs are deducted based on the chosen advertising model (e.g., CPC or CPM).
  3. Flexibility: While $50 is the minimum deposit, advertisers have the flexibility to deposit higher amounts based on their campaign objectives and budgeting strategy.
  4. Top-Up Option: Advertisers can choose to top up their account with additional funds at any time to continue running and scaling their campaigns.

Important Note: It’s recommended for advertisers to carefully consider their campaign goals and budget when determining the initial deposit amount. Adstoo’s minimum deposit requirement ensures that advertisers have a reasonable starting budget to effectively participate in the advertising auction and compete for ad placements.

Advertisers should also check the Adstoo platform for any updates or changes to the minimum deposit requirement, as platform policies may evolve over time.

Yes, Adstoo does issue invoices. This means that advertisers who run campaigns on the Adstoo platform can receive official invoices for their advertising expenses. Invoices serve as a record of financial transactions, detailing the costs associated with running campaigns, and are commonly used for accounting and reporting purposes.

Key Information:

  1. Invoice Content: Adstoo’s invoices typically include details such as the amount spent on advertising, the specific services provided, and any applicable taxes or fees.
  2. Billing Period: Invoices are generally generated based on the billing period during which the advertising services were utilized.
  3. Payment Records: Advertisers can use invoices to reconcile their payment records and track their advertising expenditures on the Adstoo platform.
  4. Account Management: Advertisers can access their account management or billing settings on Adstoo to review, download, or request invoices.

Payment Options on Adstoo:

Adstoo offers multiple payment options to accommodate advertisers’ preferences. The available payment methods include credit cards and services provided by Stripe, such as Google Pay. Let’s delve into a detailed explanation of the mentioned payment methods:

  1. Credit Card Payments:
    • Explanation: Advertisers can make payments using credit cards. This method involves providing credit card details, and the specified amount is charged to the card as the campaign budget.
    • Adstoo Feature: Adstoo supports major credit cards, providing a convenient and widely accepted method for advertisers to fund their campaigns.
  2. Stripe Services (e.g., Google Pay):
    • Explanation: Adstoo utilizes Stripe services for payment processing. This includes options like Google Pay, which allows advertisers to make payments securely and efficiently through their Google accounts.
    • Adstoo Feature: Integration with Stripe enhances the security and reliability of payment transactions, providing a seamless experience for advertisers.
  3. PayPal (Mentioned for Consideration):
    • Note: While PayPal is not explicitly mentioned as a supported payment option, advertisers are encouraged to reach out to Adstoo’s technical support if they prefer PayPal or have specific payment preferences not covered by the available options.
    • Adstoo Recommendation: Advertisers seeking alternative payment methods or with specific payment inquiries are advised to communicate with Adstoo’s support team for personalized assistance.

Key Guidelines:

  • Advertisers can choose between credit card payments and Stripe services for added flexibility.
  • For PayPal or alternative payment methods, advertisers should contact Adstoo’s technical support to discuss their preferences and explore possible solutions.

Important Note: As payment methods and options may evolve, advertisers should refer to the official Adstoo documentation or contact support for the latest information on supported payment options. Advertisers are encouraged to select the payment method that aligns with their preferences and needs.

All campaigns are prepaid. You will be able to start getting traffic only after adding funds to your account.

Refund Policy on Adstoo: 

  1. Refund Request:
    • Procedure: To request a refund, please initiate a conversation with our live chat support.
    • Method: Engage with the support team through the live chat feature available on Adstoo.
  2. Providing Refund Reason:
    • Instruction: When contacting support, clearly state the reason for the refund request. This information helps streamline the refund process.
    • Format: Specify the refund reason within the live chat conversation.
  3. Refund Method:
    • Description: Refunds will be processed using the same payment method used for the original transaction.
    • Procedure: Once the refund request is approved, the refunded amount will be returned to the account through the designated payment method.

Adstoo operates with the legal authorization granted through a license in the United States, specifically in the state of Delaware. This licensing signifies that Adstoo has met the regulatory requirements and standards set by the authorities in Delaware to conduct its business activities.

Key Points:

  1. Legal Compliance: Holding a license in Delaware implies that Adstoo complies with the legal and regulatory framework established by the state.
  2. Regulatory Approval: The licensing process typically involves scrutiny by regulatory bodies to ensure adherence to industry standards and legal obligations.

    For the most accurate and detailed information about Adstoo’s licensing, we recommend referring to the official documentation provided by Adstoo or contacting our official support channels. This ensures that you have the latest and most reliable information about our company’s licensing status.

    We prioritize transparency and are committed to providing our users with up-to-date and accurate details regarding our licensing and regulatory compliance. If you have any specific inquiries or need further clarification, please feel free to reach out to our official support channels, and our team will be happy to assist you.

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